
Who is Eastside Harmony Chorus?


The Eastside Harmony Chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International; the world's largest singing organization for women, whose purpose it is to teach and perform the art of four-part harmony, barbershop style.

Eastside Harmony is a sisterhood of singers dedicated to personal growth, musical excellence and inspiring audiences with the magic of a cappella.

Eastside Harmony Chorus will be recognized as a leading women’s a cappella group, attracting dynamic performers who are inspired by our passion and pursuit of performance excellence.

Core Values:
    Excellence           Personal Growth
Sisterhood               Inspiration


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Visit us anytime!


All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members, so why not pay us a visit.

We rehearse every Thursday evening at 7pm, at St.Francis Center, 78 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6B3.  If you'd like to drop in, please contact Karen Moonah at to let us know you're coming. We might be 'singing out' that night, and we'd hate to miss your visit!'

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Eastside Harmony Chorus is available for a variety of gigs

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Singing Valentines


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Want Eastside Harmony Chorus to sing at your next function?


Why not hire Eastside Harmony Chorus to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community Entertainment events, birthday parties, christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, engagements, and even funerals and memorial services.